
Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Last of Us: multi facing the next DLC

parallel our interview players of the game, we return briefly to The Last of Us as Arne Meyer (community strategist at Naughty Dog) told our colleagues from Digital Spy about the upcoming downloadable content: "We just wanted to say that once the remastered version released, we do not délaisserions PS3 and PS4 versions. We have some DLC planned and will be focused multiplayer. We are not yet ready to reveal the details, but throughout the year, we plan to release more downloadable content. "

Note that the remastered version of the game provided on PS4 on July 30, will include all the DLC already released so far (the current multi solo content and DLC Left Behind), the latter being understood Cross-Buy.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse: information on the new Personal

Dragon Ball XenoverseMain attraction of Dragon Ball Xenoverse, the new character will appear in the game just a little more revealing information via the latest issue of Japanese magazine V-Jump relayed by the Kanzenshuu site.

Unfortunately, nothing fabulous well to put in the tooth because we simply learn that this fighter from the future can become super-warrior. For more information on the why and how, it will still wait a little more. Note also that this warrior can chat with other characters and depending on your answers, the script will branch off into various branches scriptwriting. For the time being, no specific release date announced, only a vague "2015" has been advanced by Namco Bandai.

The Raid 2: the movie game

Excellent 2 The Raid leaving Wednesday on French screens, allow us to return to a pt'it game for web browsers to design 8-bit out there for some time. As you can see, there is a kind of clone of Renegade where you can play as Rama, the daughter hammers his buddy baseball bat or even Prakoso, each with two hits and a Special. Ok, it does not break a three-legged  lame duck but it is rather funny when the film is known.

The Raid 2
To recap, The Raid 2, written and directed by Gareth Evans, is the direct result of the previous section, also directed by Evans, who, under a minimalist scenario and a modeled on a video game structure (a team of highly trained police officers must go to the top floor of a building filled with bad-guys in order to arrest a notorious trafficker) is immediately positioned itself as one of the jewels of the genre at its output.

FIFA 15: Instant emotions

David Cage is constantly telling us for years, "more contextual action is moving, the better your game will be good." As a result, Electronic Arts also places because the publisher / developer offers us a new FIFA 15 video of his focus on emotion and intensity. So you know all about emotional intelligence linking the 22 players that will affect the course of the match and thus make it more realistic. The title will arrive on all machines involved on September 26.


The ranking of the most profitable MMO in June 2014 . PC - Mac

The Superdata analysis firm specializing in the study of digital content has just published the results of its investigation in June 2014 pay and free-to-play MMORPG. Not surprisingly the results show the gradual decline of the monthly subscription model, despite the presence of some still marked tracks while confirming the development of micro-transactions.

The ranking of the most profitable MMO

World of Warcraft retains the top spot of the most lucrative MMO despite a steady decline in the number of subscribers for some years now. It is closely followed by Lineage 1 (very played in Korea), and TERA Star Wars The Old Republic. Note that the ten games present top ranking, NCsoft operates four. If some games of this classification model also have free-to-play, they also offer paid premium alternative for players.